
ACE Plan

To view the Crestomere School ACE plan for the school year click here

Timetable & Bell Schedule

7:50 - 8:00 Morning Arrival
8:00 - 8:45 Period 1
8:45 - 9:20 Period 2
9:20 - 9:55 Period 3
9:55 - 10:00 Morning Wrap-up/Home Room Check in
10:00 - 10:15 Recess
10:15 - 10:50 Period 4
10:50 - 11:25 Period 5
11:25 - 12:00 Period 6
12:00 - 12:20 Lunch/Recess
12:20- 12:40 Lunch/Recess
12:40 - 1:15 Period 7
1:15 - 1:50 Period 8
1:50 - 2:30 Period 9
2:30 Dismissal
2:40 Buses Leave


The Crestomere School Community fosters compassionate achievers who lead and learn.

At Crestomere School, our focus is to guide students as environmental stewards and help them grow into independent researchers, tech-savvy creators, global collaborators, and 21st century learners. We believe the aim of education at our school is to develop abilities of individuals in order that they make a positive contribution to society. At Crestomere, our learning network involves the school, the students, the parents, and the local and global communities.

We believe students...... can feel safe and respected

...can follow staff who lead by example

... can be challenged to their individual abilities

... can take ownership of what happens in the school

... can demonstrate empathy and compassion

... can solve problems with discussion

... can develop a desire for lifelong learning

... can develop pride, respect, and success

... Care, Achieve, Lead and Learn

Crestomere School serves K - 9 students in a rural area between Ponoka and Rimbey, Alberta. The school was originally built in 1953, and underwent extensive renovations in the early 1980's. The school has a population of about 140 students, nine full-time and part-time teachers, and four support staff. For a small rural school, Crestomere is a leader in educational technologies, environmental education, and 21st century learning.

A Message From The Principal

Welcome to Crestomere School where our whole school community strives to provide the best learning experience ever.Crestomere is a small, family oriented school.  The small school atmosphere gives our students an opportunity to feel secure and have excellent support at all levels.  At Crestomere all our partners in education are involved in school and leadership activities.  It is a shared leadership involving the Students, the entire Crestomere staff, WCPS Division Staff, Parent Council, Parents and Volunteers from the Community.  We all work together to create the best learning environment possible for the children of our school.  

As principal, I search for opportunities everyday to challenge and inspire our stakeholders to contribute to school life at Crestomere School.  I encourage their participation in as many ways as possible because it gives them ownership in our school community.  Everyone has special talents and gifts to share with others.  As hard as our work often is, I have never seen anyone as happy and satisfied as when they are sharing their knowledge and expertise with our children.  It creates a definite buzz in the school. This ultimately filters down to the children who in turn learn from these positive role models.  We also take as many opportunities as possible for professional development.  This ensures there will always be a strong team who will continue to provide all the opportunities that our children need and deserve. 

Our students show leadership through their classes and extra-curricular activities.  As well, many are involved in school spirit activities which add a lot of life to our school. Whether it is academic, school improvement or fun activities, they are very involved in school life.  Some are great writers, readers, artists, singers, problem solvers, dancers, junior scientists, bee keepers etc.  By sharing this with others they benefit greatly.  They build teamwork and leadership skills through various activities. 

Our teachers and staff are committed to providing the best educational opportunities for our students.  Also many members of our staff are involved in offering extra-curricular activities such as our athletic teams, noon hour learning clubs, and our Cougar Council leadership team.  They are sharing their special talents with the children.  It is amazing to see people shine in their domain and the children benefiting from their efforts.  It is not only learning how to do something like sports and art but it’s also about teamwork and problem solving too.  They are giving the students the tools and confidence that will serve them their whole life through. The students are learning not only the academics but the cross-curricular competencies and broad areas of learning as well.   

The staff also shares and supports each other to create a positive learning environment.  Our latest work on literacy projects, skills Canada and option programming (French Second Language and CTF options), and our schools ACE Plan show our commitment to continuous improvement for our students and school. 

The parents are also very involved in our school be it through involvement in parent council, sharing a talent with a class, or just lending a helping hand.  We have many parents who volunteer and participate to help the school in so many ways.  This sense of community is so important to our school.  We also have a couple of really good community volunteers who don’t even have children in our school.  We really appreciate all the special services our volunteers offer. 

All these things are what make our students love our school as much as they do.  Involvement in valuable real-life activities and dedicated partners in education is a winning combination. Our school still has many goals and challenges ahead of us in the 21st century but we feel confident with the help of our excellent partners in education that we will be successful in all areas.  This is the kind of confidence we want to instill in our students at Crestomere School! 

Please see our Parent Handbook for further information and we welcome all new students and their families.  We wish you all well in your academic endeavors!

Sheri Harink, Principal